vineri, 19 decembrie 2014


Primele lucruri care-mi vin in minte odata cu luna Decembrie sunt noptile friguroase, puloverele largi , ceaiul fierbinte,  sosetele pufoase si o carte buna.
EN: : The first things I think about when December arrives are the cold nights,the long sweaters, the warm tea, the soft socks and a good book .

Cadourile sunt impachetate, bradul este mai sunt doar 5 zile pana cand aceste cadouri vor fi asezate sub brad asteptand sa fie despachetate .
EN  : The presents are wrapped , the tree is decorated and there are only 5 days left until these gifts will be placed under the tree waiting for someone to unwrapped it .

Acum cateva zile am iesit in oras sa cumparam cadouri( da, mereu sunt in intarziere )pentru cei dragi si am profitat de aceasta ocazie pentru a face si  o “ sesiune foto “ (eu si prietenul meu). Dorim sa “impartasim” aceste poze cu voi .Simtiti-va liberi sa ne spuneti opinia voastra despre edit-ul acestora !
EN: A few days ago we went out to buy gifts ( I am always late ) for our loved ones and we took advantage of this opportunity to do a " photo session " (me and my boyfriend) We want to share the photos with you . Feel free to tell us your opinion about the edit !

 Outfit details: 
Camasa ( Shirt ) - DIY
Bluza ( Blouse ) - Magazin local ( Local store )
Geaca neagra ( Black jacket ) - Bershka
Geaca kaki ( Kaki Jacket ) - H&M
Fusta ( Skirt ) - H&M
Ghete ( Boots ) - Glow

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