vineri, 26 decembrie 2014

Craciun fericit ! / Merry Christmas !

Buna, dragilor !
Va doresc un Craciun fericit, luminat si multa,multa sanatate !

EN: Hi, my dear ones !
I wish you a merry and bright Christmas ! 

Kiara adora sa stea in preajma bradului, sa se relaxeze, iar mai pe seara m-am decis sa ma alatur si eu .

EN: My cat, Kiara, adores to relax near the Christmas tree and after a few hours I decided to do the same thing.

Seara de Craciun am petrecut-o alaturi de cei mai dragi prieteni ( echipa Caskade ) . Am vorbit despre planuri de viitor, am ras, ne-am jucat. Ne-am simtit foarte,foarte bine impreuna si abia astept petrecerea de revelion pentru a ne reintalni in aceeasi formula.
Nu am nici o poza de ieri seara, din pacate, pentru ca am uitat sa verific bateria inainte sa plec de acasa si am constatat mai tarziu ca este descarcata.

EN : We spent the Christmas evening with some special friends of ours ( Caskade Team ). We talked about our future plans, we laughed, we played a lot of interesting games. I personally felt amazing with them and I am looking forward to meeting them again for the New Year's party. 
Unfortunately, I don't have any photo from yesterday evening because I forgot to check the battery and I realized later that it was low.

A doua zi de Craciun

Mare,mare fericire pe noi doi ( Eu si SpongeBob ) . A doua zi de Craciun ne-am trezit dis-de-dimineata, am luat pe noi primele haine groase pe care le-am gasit si am pornit spre Azuga. Partieeeeee..

EN : We were very happy today ( Me and SpongeBob ) . The second Christmas day we woke up in the morning shower, we took the first warm clothes that we found and drove to Azuga.
Am petrecut ziua prin zapada pana la extenuare . Am dat o fuga pana in Sinaia, sa mancam, si in cele din urma am ajuns acasa foarte obositi . Mi-am pastrat ultima particica de energie pentru a scrie aici pentru voi . 

EN : We spent the day in the snow until  we got tired. Then , we went to Sinaia to eat something and in the end we arrived home very,very tired. I used the last piece of energy to write here for YOU .

 Craciun fericit !
 Merry Christmas !

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