miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2015

Kiara- the boring but lovely cat

  In ziua de 15 Mai 2013 a pasit pentru prima oara in casa mea. De fapt, eu am pasit cu ea in brate pentru prima oara, caci ei ii era teama sa intre. I-am dat drumul pe jos si primul lucru pe care l-a facut a fost sa se ascunda sub mobila din sufragerie. Mai mult decat pe mine cred ca a indragit-o pe mama mea careia i-a tors in brate din prima secunda.
  Va intrebati daca am fost geloasa? Nu, nu am fost ! Am fost foarte fericita ca si ai mei au acceptat-o ( ei interzicandu-mi pana atunci aducerea unui animal in casa)
  Numele il avea dinainte sa o primesc ( cadou de la prietenul meu ) . Eu, o fana inraita a desenelor animale, am decis sa ii pun numele Kiara . Da, Kiara-leoaica din 'Regele Leu'.
  Au trecut aproape doi ani si Kiara a crescut o pisica impresionata de... Hmm, sa ma gandesc.. NIMIC! Tot ce ii place sa faca este sa doarma si sa manance ,ati ghicit!


 On 15 May 2013 she first stepped in my house . In fact , I walked with her in my arms for the first time , because she was afraid to enter . The first thing she did was to hide under the furniture in the living room . She liked my mother,in the arms of whom she spun from the first second, more than she liked me.
 Wondering if I was jealous ? No , I was not ! I was very happy because my parents have accepted her ( becaue it was forbidden for me to bring a pet in the house ).
 I named she before receiving her ( she was a gift from my boyfriend ) . I am a fan of cartoons so that’s why I decided to gave her the name Kiara . Yes , Kiara – the little lion in ‘The Lion King’ .
 It's been almost two years . Kiara grew up as a cat impressed by... Hmm , let me think .. NOTHING ! The only things she likes to do is to sleep and eat , you guessed it !

Se spune ce animalul seamana cu stapanul. Va jur ca eu nu sunt asa plictisitoare/plictisita!!!
 They say the animal resembles with its owner . I swear I'm not so boring / bored !!! 

Dati play pe filmuletul de mai jos pentru a face cunostinta cu Kiara.
Press play on the video down below to meet Kiara.

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